Naturally Wicked Fire Queen
◦Fiery Red
◦Erupting With Passion & Excitement
◦Fierce & Explosive
◦Unrivalled Confidence
◦Unlimited Energy
◦Susceptible To Dangerous Habits
◦Super Destructive
Always certain to provide an extreme and unpredictable display, The Wicked Fire Queen commands the attention of all. With hair as red as embers and eyes that could melt souls, she makes an unintentional habit of setting hearts on fire.

A natural charmer, she is excitable, enthusiastic and larger than life, yet her desire for attention can sometimes be her downfall. To the competitive few, she appears bossy, controlling and overbearing... Though they daren't share their opinions, for if they did they'd be certain to burn for the rest of eternity.
This passionate Queen has a heated temper and a fiery personality, she needs nurturing and managing with caution as a single spark could result in an explosive outburst. In good company, her warm glow is contagious and her none reliance on a fuel supply seemingly spreads to all in the nearby vicinity.
She is bold, fierce and daring, feeding energy and excitement to all who are open to her warm heart. This extreme and ferocious woman can not be tamed, put out or diminished. She is a wild fire, burning with brightness and light, much like the sun.
Make It Personal