A Little Hocus Pocus!

However, not all witches were female. In certain parts of Europe witch-hunts would mainly target males. 92% of witches accused in Iceland were men. Germany had the highest percentage of witch executions during the witch hunt days, not surprisingly as the two well-respected authors of 'Malleus Meleficarum' A.K.A 'Hammer of Witches' were German. This book was essentially a guide on how to identify, hunt and interrogate witches. This was a best seller and sold more copies than any other book in Europe except the bible. This book is believed to be the cause of such a viral explosion of world-wide witch hunts.

Famously, witches are known as eerie, wart infested cackling crazy potion stirring, devil conjuring women. They are portrayed as untrustworthy and evil. They are the villain of the story and their side remains untold. The execution of any famous 'witch' character is seen as a happy ending, but is it? Who asked the witch for her tale of events? Nobody. Just like in real life, fingers are pointed and no questions are asked.

Self proclaimed witches of today are ultimately strong, powerful women taking control of their lives with the help of a little white magic. These spells are mainly created to do good, such as assist in the recovery of an illness using herbal remedies as well as working with the natural energies of nature on Earth and the moon. The truth is, modern day Wiccans avoid evil and “harm none” in their strive for a peaceful, balanced life.

The unfortunate truth is that still today, there are innocent people around the World being unlawfully accused and unfairly executed. Since 2010 there have been numerous persecutions and deaths in Papua New Guinea, including a young mother that was burned alive. The fight against witch hunts continues. Every life deserves to be lived to the fullest. I wish there were an actual magic spell to end unnecessary suffering for all involved in 'witchcraft'.

I hope 'witches' of the future can shine in the light that they deserve. Our World is in need of a little magic!